PDF's of current Presentations
PDF's of Graphics
"Change your Classroom, Change your Mind" Graphic
"Power Skills for Life" Graphic
Past Workshops and Clinics
Music and Percussion Clinics
"Thoughts on 35 Years of Teaching..." - Coming Soon!
"What is a Percussionist?" - West Morris and Central High Schools, NJ
"Thoughts on Percussion - From Grip to Instruction" - NJMEA State Convention, Atlantic City, NJ
"What sound do you what? Snare Grip & Physics" - PAS NJ Percussion Festival, William Paterson University
"Careers in Music" - Black River Middle School
"Practice Focus" & "Managing your Percussion Section" - William Paterson University
"Managing your Percussion Section" - NJEA Teachers Conference & more
"Thoughts and Strategies in Percussion" - Ithaca College, NJEA State Convention & more
"Effective Practice and Performance Preparation" - LHS Marimba Workshop
"Preparing for Regions and All-State" - NJ Music Convention
"The Healing Power of Music" - Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
"Why Music and the Arts?" - Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
"Percussion with Piascik" - Mendham Middle School
"Berio" - San Fransisco Contemporary Players
"Studio Teaching" - Fullerton College PAS Day of Percussion
"The Wide World of Percussion" - Stony Brook University
"Percussion Discussion" - School Assembly's & more
Education Clinics
Presented SIX clinics at the North Carolina AMLE State Convention in 2025 - NCMLE, NC
"Motivation, Habits, & Opportunities: Pathways to Success" - Schools to Watch Convention & more
"The Keys to Effective Teaching" - NJEA, NJAMLE, & PAMLE State Conventions & more
"The Culture of Education: Then, Now, and Beyond" - Schools to Watch & AMLE50 Conventions, DC & more
"Music is Poetry to My Ears" - NJEA & PAMLE State Conventions & more
"Power Skills for Life!" - NJEA, PAMALE, WPU, STW, and many other conventions
"BRMS Advisory: Origins and How we Evolved" - Schools to Watch Visit, BRMS
"Enriching Relationships and Communication" - WPU, and many other conventions
"Welcome to Inspiration Café" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC & more
"Are We Ready for the Future?" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC & more
"Nurturing Resilient Learners" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC & more
"Change your Classroom; Change your Mind" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC & more
"Time to Question and Engage" - NJAMLE Convention & more
"What Makes a School Great?" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC
"Brains and Education" - NJEA Teachers Convention & more
"Schools that Work" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC
"Basics with Piascik" - Smartboard Training at BRMS
"Thoughts on 35 Years of Teaching..." - Coming Soon!
"What is a Percussionist?" - West Morris and Central High Schools, NJ
"Thoughts on Percussion - From Grip to Instruction" - NJMEA State Convention, Atlantic City, NJ
"What sound do you what? Snare Grip & Physics" - PAS NJ Percussion Festival, William Paterson University
"Careers in Music" - Black River Middle School
"Practice Focus" & "Managing your Percussion Section" - William Paterson University
"Managing your Percussion Section" - NJEA Teachers Conference & more
"Thoughts and Strategies in Percussion" - Ithaca College, NJEA State Convention & more
"Effective Practice and Performance Preparation" - LHS Marimba Workshop
"Preparing for Regions and All-State" - NJ Music Convention
"The Healing Power of Music" - Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
"Why Music and the Arts?" - Morristown Unitarian Fellowship
"Percussion with Piascik" - Mendham Middle School
"Berio" - San Fransisco Contemporary Players
"Studio Teaching" - Fullerton College PAS Day of Percussion
"The Wide World of Percussion" - Stony Brook University
"Percussion Discussion" - School Assembly's & more
Education Clinics
Presented SIX clinics at the North Carolina AMLE State Convention in 2025 - NCMLE, NC
"Motivation, Habits, & Opportunities: Pathways to Success" - Schools to Watch Convention & more
"The Keys to Effective Teaching" - NJEA, NJAMLE, & PAMLE State Conventions & more
"The Culture of Education: Then, Now, and Beyond" - Schools to Watch & AMLE50 Conventions, DC & more
"Music is Poetry to My Ears" - NJEA & PAMLE State Conventions & more
"Power Skills for Life!" - NJEA, PAMALE, WPU, STW, and many other conventions
"BRMS Advisory: Origins and How we Evolved" - Schools to Watch Visit, BRMS
"Enriching Relationships and Communication" - WPU, and many other conventions
"Welcome to Inspiration Café" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC & more
"Are We Ready for the Future?" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC & more
"Nurturing Resilient Learners" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC & more
"Change your Classroom; Change your Mind" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC & more
"Time to Question and Engage" - NJAMLE Convention & more
"What Makes a School Great?" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC
"Brains and Education" - NJEA Teachers Convention & more
"Schools that Work" - Schools to Watch Convention, DC
"Basics with Piascik" - Smartboard Training at BRMS